Blazor Controls Toolkit

Blazor Controls Toolkit See a demo. Blazor Controls Toolkit is not only an advanced components' suite, but offers a complete set of tools for implementing Blazor enterprise level applications, such as model transactions, changes tracking and complex local and server queries (More details on features. It comes at a special price bundled with Reactor so you can protect the dlls you send to the browser.See a demo


Bundled with Reactor at a special price, so you can obfuscate and merge all dll you send to the browser!

Buy Now and enter our "early birds" program! Develop with the full support of our experts!

Controls toolkit Controls Toolkit + Reactor
Single user license

EUR 179

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EUR 239

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Small Company license *

EUR 279

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EUR 369

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Company license

EUR 459

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EUR 549

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* Companies with less than 5 people

All prices do not include Vat


See a demo
  • The equivalent of all Bootstrap JavaScript components.
  • A complete set of input controls that includes all Html5 inputs or their fall-back when they are not supported by user browser, drop-downs and auto-completes.
  • Validation attributes , and other meta-data attributes that enable the developer to define how to render and edit data in a purely declarative way! You just put a generic edit or display component in your markup and the Blazor Controls Toolkit generate automatically for you the markup that implements the behavior declared with your model attributes: space to reserve for each field, the right Html5 input and / or auto-complete to use, and so on.
  • Default validation messages, and default button text/labels are already localized in various languages, and the developer can customize all of them. Moreover, each customer can require the localization kit to insert his language in the Blazor Controls Toolkit, in case it is not supported, yet. This demo application shows all localized default messages, and labels. However, with the only exception of this introduction page all other application-specific contents are not localized.
  • A State Manager that collects in a single place the information stored in all active tasks. The global application state can be saved on disk, on request and automatically when the user leaves the application or if the application crashes. Saved state can be restored either on request, or automatically when the application restarts. Moreover, page state ins not lost when the user leaves an application page.
  • Changes tracking, tracking of invalid objects, and model transactions. All handled with uniform interfaces throughout all components. They prevent further processing on invalid objects, enable the user to revert changes, and computes all changes to send to the server (additions, deletes and modifications).
  • Utility components, like Modals, Tabs, pagers, and navigation tools
  • All components and HTML fragments can be drag-drop enabled, and bound to models. As a result of the drop operation list elements or grid rows are moved to different positions or modify the model bound to the drop target.
  • Behaviors that enrich existing HTML element and other components with further features like collapsing, fading, input focus, visibility spy, anchor target spy.
  • Complex customizable components like DataGrids,TreeViews, Detail views, and Detail lists. Each component has its default row and column template that the developer can replace with custom ones.
  • Query tools for filtering, sorting, and aggregating data.These tools include components that enable the user to select the desired operations, attributes to declare how to build each filter view, and OData tools to translate the desired operations in OData format, to retrieve data from OData enabled servers, and to OData-enable your controllers.
  • All components are accessible, and can be operated easily with just the keyboard. After each operation, the focus is moved where more appropriate for continuing keyboard processing. If possible accessibility is enforced also on developer provided custom templates.
See a demo