Our Courses
Blazor .NET 6
5 days course (8h/day). Learn how to write C# application that run in all browsers thanks the new WebAssembly, specification that is supported by all major browsers. Modern Single Page Applications stressed JavaScript to its limits, and the help of strong types provided by TypeScript can't solve completely its performance problems, its low productivity, and the issue that might be encounterd when linking several hundred JavasCript modules with WebPack.
WebAssemply enables high performnace / high productivity frameworks like .Net Core to be used to implement advanced Single Page Applications. Blazor not only can inject .Net Core code in the user browser but contains also all tools and features needed to build amazing user interfaces with its Balzor components.In this course you will learn how to build amazing user interfaces with Blazor components and how to build your custom components. You will learn also how to handle your application navigation and security, how to mantain a global state and how to communicate with the server.
Blazor Controls Toolkit
4 days course (8h/day). Learn how to use the Blazor Controls Toolkit advanced components and tools to build professional level Blazor WebAssembly applications. Learn how generate whole forms with complex components, multi-type data-grids and treeviews with a simple declarative syntax based on ViewModels data annotations and learn how to enrich them with local/remote queries (fiter, sorting and grouping), client-model transactions and changes tracking.
Learn how to use Blazors Controls Toolkit advanced Drag and Drop capabilities to build futuristic and amazing user interfaces.Learn how to customize default Blazor Controls Toolkit component templater, and more... -
Asp.net Mvc Core
5-7 days course (8h/day). Asp.net MVC Core is a multi-platform porting of classic Asp.net MVC. It’s a complete rewrite and reengineering of the product, meant to increase performance and modularity. Its homogenous design is founded on a few simple concepts like Dependency Injection, Middleware Pipeline, and the new options framework. The new providers and model binders architectures have been optimized for modularity and ease of customization.
Its extreme modularity and simple design makes easy to run Asp.net core also on small machines like Raspberries, and to take advantage of Docker containers, and of cloud Microservices.
Since at this point the whole echosystem of products and open sources converged to the new Asp.net Core, Asp.net Mvc Core is the right choice for new projects, or for companies that would like to modernize their web applications.
Mvc Controls Toolkit Core
5 days course (8h/day). Learn how to use the Mvc Controls Toolkit Core free tool to build professional level Ap.net Mvc Core web applications with globalization/localization, client/server localized validation, browser capabilities detection, HTML5 input fallback, and many other tools to increase productivity.
Productivity tools encompasses all the layers a professional MVC application is composed of: data and business layer tools, controller tools and View tools that include several advanced tag helpers, like, for instance, the grid tag helper. Tag helpers and controls may be empowered with OData tools for easy data filtering, sorting, and grouping.
Data layer
5 days course (8h/day). Modern cloud infrastructures offer several types of support for data storage, and for each of them, various options of redundancy and geographical distribution.
In this course you will learn how to choose the best options for each of your application needs and how to configure them. You will learn also how to connect your .Net / .Net Core application with the chosen storage media following best practices. In particular, you will learn how to interact with Sql Server, Sql Azure, MySql, CosmosDB and Redis.
Introduction to Microservices and Kubernetes
5 days course (8h/day). Microservices architectures allow optimal scaling of your application functionalities and allow the gradual replacement of your legacy information system by enabling the integration of legacy components with new software. Furthermore, when combined with a Domain Driven Design approach it enables your existing teams to face complex problems in complex domains in a structured way.
In this course you will learn how to use Docker, and Azure Kubernetes
Microservices with .NET 6
5 days course (8h/day). In this course you will learn how to code microservices in .NET: the main patterns, the main architectures, and how to orgainze your teams.
AI Rule Based Bystems
4-7 days course (8h/day). Learn how to add artificial intelligence to your web applications: rule based systems that simulates human reasoning and logical inferences, and Bot Framework to handle converstions with humans using the most popular chat systems.
4 days course (8h/day). Learn how to build client-rich applcations with large modular client-side code bases with type checks, classes and generics.
TypeScript adds type checks to standard JavaScript and let you use the JavaScript of the future (classes, modules, etc.) now!
5 days course (8h/day). Angular.js is one of the most popular client frameworks backed by big companies. Its MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) paradigm ensures separation of concerns between graphics and logics. Moreover, it offers built-in dependency injection and uses TypeScript and Decorators to define "components" and to manage possibly large codebases in a modular and declarative way.
It is the right choice for implementing a whole web application or part of it as a modern, possibly complex, single page application.
4 days course (8h/day). Notwithstanding the higher popularity of Angular.js and React.js , knowckout.js still maintains a good market share thanks to its interesting peculiarities: it is based on an MVVM paradigm like Angular.js, so it is adequate for implementing modular complex applications, but at the same time it is very simple to mix with server side templating.
It is the right choice when requirements include the support of legacy browsers, or for building modular complex systems that mix client side and server side templating.
Asp.net Mvc 5
5 days course (8h/day). If you are still tied to dotnet 4.5, and can't move to dotnet core, Asp.net Mvc 5 is the right choice to increase the modularity of your applications and to keep separate your graphics (Html ,and CSS stuffs) from the control of user-machine interaction.
Some Asp.net Mvc Core features, such as Dependency injection may be still added with third parties tools.